Workshop Testimonials
I want to thank you for the Differentiated Instruction workshops you conducted at Brisbane Bayside State College. The workshops were extremely practical and engaging. It is great to see our staff keen to attend twilight PD after a full day of teaching because your workshops related directly to their classroom practice with practical ideas and strategies.
Grant Williams, Principal, Bayside State College, QLD.
Thanks again for your time and effort (for the Lesson Observations and Feedback workshop), the feedback is outstandingly positive and our Teaching Hub Mentors and Mentees found it very beneficial to their program too.
Raelene Maxworthy, Director of Teaching & Learning, Calrossy Anglican School, NSW
Participating in the 'Integrating ChatGPT in Education: Enhancing Australian Curriculum Lessons' workshop was a game-changer for me. Harnessing AI to tailor lesson plans, refine success criteria, and promote collaborative, higher-order thinking has significantly elevated my teaching practice. The workshop seamlessly integrated subject-specific plans, resulting in more engaging and effective lessons for my students. I'm already seeing the positive impact on their understanding and engagement."
Damion Douglas, Marsden SHS, QLD.
I found the workshop to be very practical with ready to use real world applications. I've been able to implement some of the new knowledge I have about ChatGPT even in other areas as the approach to using the generative AI can be used in more than the lesson planning context. I think I'll definitely be using it for lesson plans, but I also appreciated the insights into the different strategies/activates that work well to engage students as I did not have the experience to help me out there which meant the workshop was really great for pre-service and current teachers alike.
Dana Burtenshaw, UQ.
I would highly recommend this workshop for anyone who is looking to get some time back in their day. It provides a practical and logical step by step method of how to utilise AI effectively for teaching practice in a personalised, pragmatic manner. Combined with the ITC Thinkdrive Suite, this workshop provides great tools and tips for how you can use the resources already available to create great lesson plans for your students.
Jody Spear, Brigidine College, Qld.
I found the workshop both inspiring and practical. The session provided me with information which helped me further understand the potential of ChatGPT as a teacher and educator.
Tammy Perrim, Head of Middle School, Charlton Christian College, NSW.
Yesterday was fantastic and the information/training provided was useful - I even had my students using the "Extent Barometer" scaffold today and it was super helpful. Thank you again for a great PD!
Siham Osman, Secondary Sports Coordinator, Greenacre Christian College, NSW.
Just a thank you for an excellent morning of investigation, play and learning. Appreciate your time and effort to provide an informative and highly productive workshop.
James Galloway Visual Arts, Digital Technologies, Manilla Central School, NSW.
Thanks again for yesterday’s session. As much as we have introduced the resource multiple times to our teachers, having the creator coming along to show them the power of it was invaluable in generating excitement and interest in it. I think that our subscription next year will be far more effectively utilised by our staff and in our classrooms.
Christie Meiklejohn, Head of Curriculum, Albany Hills State School, QLD.
Thank you again for your outstanding presentation at Monday’s Cardiff Community of Schools Combined School Development Day. Your presentation provided staff with a range of relevant, evidence-based processes and practices which could be immediately applied in all of our school contexts. Staff appreciated the opportunity to reflect on their practice and the ‘hands-on’ nature of the presentation and scenarios presented were a catalyst for much professional dialogue”
Gareth Erskine, Principal, Cardiff High School, NSW.
Thank you very much for your work the other day explaining the Thinkdrive platform and helping my colleagues navigate some of the features located therein. I have already used the thinking tools multiple times since and my students have certainly found them helpful. Thanks again Gerard. It was a really good experience.
Stephen Frigo, History 9-12 Learning Leader, Luther College, Vic.
Thank you for your availability to present to the staff at Birchip P-12 School. The feedback I received afterwards was very positive. As I have previously mentioned, we have been using the think drive (thinking tools) for a while now. However, many currently on staff have not been exposed to them like you were able to do tonight and for others it was great to have a refresher. The additional content on the sentence starters and connectives was also a helpful addition. Similarly, the student feedback tools will also be very beneficial as this is also an area of emphasis within our school.
Andrew Sayle, Principal, Birchip P-12 School, Vic.
Thank you once again for taking the time to deliver a workshop to our staff yesterday afternoon. The feedback from our staff was extremely positive and we would like to purchase a subscription. Could you please have your office send me an invoice when they can. As you stated it was great to finally meet you even if it was only via zoom. If possible, I would definitely like to continue participating in workshops with you when appropriate.
Michael Stanizzo, Deputy Principal, Warrawong High School, NSW.
Thank you for the workshop! It was really well run and practical in many ways. I will certainly get in touch in necessary. Think Drive is a great tool and resource (library) for teachers. It is much appreciated!
Peter Connell, Principal, Endeavour Christian College Qld.
Thanks so much for your presentation – always battling for time! The team got a lot out of the presentation, I’m giving them time to utilise the software and I will trial the Year 12s using the programme also. Very appreciative of your time!
Lana Turner, Head of Learning Area – Religious Education, John XXIII College, WA.